Kapwing June 2023 Release Notes

Catch up on the newest Kapwing features and fixes to level up your editing workflow! In these Release Notes, we go over the latest changes to Kapwing, how to use new features, and any known issues. This page is updated with each Kapwing release which generally happens every two weeks. Receive notifications for new updates by subscribing on YouTube and following our Twitter!

New Features ✨

Trim with Transcript

Editing a video is now as easy as editing text. Trim with Transcript makes rough cutting a video 10x faster – to trim footage, you simply delete words in the video transcript. Get started by uploading your video, then head to the Transcript tab on the left. Highlight unwanted filler words like 'um' or sections of the video you don't want, then hit delete. They'll be removed from the video automatically!

Auto Image Overlays

Finding image overlays to use in videos is time-consuming and tedious. Let AI find them for you instead! Auto Image Overlays searches your video transcript and suggests images to use in your video as overlays that will keep your audience watching. It turns a plain talking head video into an engaging and professional one in just a few clicks. The suggestions are customizable too – you can select which of the suggested images to add to your project and regenerate if you don't like them. To use this feature, upload a video with speech to Kapwing, then head to the Images tab and click Auto Image Overlays.

Pop Art Subtitles

Create eye-catching subtitles in one click with the new Pop Art style! Popularized by creators like Alex Hormozi and Grant Cardone, these animated subtitles use a bold font, color, and rotation to keep your audience watching. Add these subtitles to your video by heading to the Subtitles tab on the left, then clicking the Pop Art style in the right menu.

Text to Speech

We revamped our Text to Speech feature! You can now have text from different languages turned into speech and experiment with a wider range of voices. The text can also be adjusted as subtitle layers, making it easier to add animations and create attention-grabbing content. You'll find the new Text to Speech experience in the 'Audio' tab on the left by clicking the 'Text to Speech' button.

Bug Fixes & Improvements 🛠

  • We changed the sample video that appears when you click "Add sample" in a blank project! This new one has audio and is easier to use when trying different features in Kapwing.

Pricing Changes 💳

  • The export limit for each Kapwing project made by free users is now 4 minutes. The export limit for Pro and Enterprise users remains the same and is 120 minutes for an individual project.
  • As of September 1st, free users now have 2 AI uses, Pro has 50 uses per month, and Enterprise has unlimited users for AI.