Kapwing November 2024 Release Notes

Catch up on the newest Kapwing features and fixes to level up your editing workflow! In these Release Notes, we go over the latest changes to Kapwing, how to use new features, and any known issues. This page is updated with each Kapwing release which generally happens every two weeks. Receive notifications for new updates by subscribing on YouTube and following our Twitter!
New Features ✨
Translation Rules

You can now add Translation Rules to your Brand Glossary within your Brand kit! For users with a global audience or those who consistently create translated videos, this tool will help streamline the editing process by saving translation rules that apply to all translations generated on Kapwing.
Similar to our "Custom Spelling" feature, which automatically corrects commonly misspelled words in generated transcripts, "Translation Rules" allow you to store preferred translations for terms in different languages.
New AI Voice Tab for Personas and Text to Speech
We've made Text to Speech easier to find and use in Kapwing with a more visible "AI Voice" tab in the left hand side-bar. Now, creators can generate speech using realistic AI voice options. In Kapwing, you can add a voice layer on its own or match this speech with an AI avatar whose lips are synced to the words on export to look like it's reading the script aloud.

This surface area also makes it easier to edit text to speech layers that you've added to the canvas. Now, splits in the timeline will update the text shown for that layer, simplifying regeneration and editing with TTS.
Reviews Page
We added a new space on the website for reading Kapwing's reviews and customer testimonials. Learn more about what other people think of our video editor and leave feedback yourself.

Wrapped 2024
We updated our Netflix Wrapped, ChatGPT Wrapped, and Spotify Wrapped templates for the new year! Try out these tools to make a shareable story for social media that recaps your viewing, listening, or usage history.