How Do I Switch the Email Linked to My Kapwing Account?

How Do I Switch the Email Linked to My Kapwing Account?

Access your Account Settings to switch your email sign-in linked to your account click on the pencil icon next to your account email, and follow the prompted directions.

Enter the desired email address and select 'Change Email'.

Note: This new email cannot be associated with any Kapwing accounts already (free or pro), if it is, you will have to delete that account or pick a different email.

Screenshot of edit page to enter new email address
Screenshot of edit page to enter new email address

A confirmation code will be sent to the new email address. Retrieve the access code from your email, enter the verification code, and select 'Submit Confirmation Code'.

Screenshot of email confirmation code entry page to confirm change
Screenshot of email confirmation code entry page to confirm change

You will receive a confirmation pop-up and the new email address immediately reflected within your account settings.

Screenshot of the confirmation that the email address was changed successfully
Screenshot of the confirmation toast that the email address was changed successfully

Additional resources:
How to Cancel My Kapwing Pro Subscription?
Is Kapwing Free?
Kapwing Pro: Pricing and Subscription FAQ