8 Funny Discord Profile Picture Ideas and How to Make Them
The one thing that stays with you across all your Discord groups is your profile picture, or PFP. I'll give you 8 funny ideas for your own.

If you're involved in any online community – gaming, fan groups, artist communities, hobby organizations – you're probably on Discord every day.
The platform originated solely for gaming, but it's expanded to provide a forum for nearly every group online. And while you can be a different person in every server you're a part of – different role, color, and even nickname – the one thing that stays with you across all your Discord groups is your profile picture, or PFP. To make yours stand out and be recognizable in any server, I'll show you 8 different ways to make your PFP hilarious:
- Invisible Profile Picture
- Profile GIF
- Modify the Default
- Modify an Emote
- Hand-Draw It
- Original Emoji Mashup
1. Invisible Profile Picture
This one is fairly common in 2021, but it’ll still confuse people who aren’t used to it. Make your Discord PFP blend right in with the background!

It’s a great choice because all you have to do is download this image straight to your device and you’ll have people wondering what’s up with your profile for a while.
Try these free Discord tools:
- Video Compressor for Discord Uploads
- Free Online Video Compressor
- Custom Discord Banner Maker
- Free Online GIF Maker
2-4. Profile GIF
There are tons of distinctive custom profile picture ideas that can only be used if you upgrade your Discord account to Nitro. You probably shouldn’t upgrade your account just for the ability to make your profile picture a GIF, but it’s a fun perk to use nonetheless. Here are just a few GIF profile picture ideas:
Disappearing PFP

Just like the invisible profile picture, this one involves your PFP blending into the background perfectly, but it can't be done with a completely transparent GIF. Instead, Make your PFP fade in and out over a background with the color code 31353B, the exact color of the Discord background when users hover over a message to make a GIF PFP start playing.
Your favorite animated emote

This one is as simple as it gets, but it takes Nitro to pull it off fully. Just download one of your favorite Twitch or Discord GIF emotes from emoji.gg, resize it to 128x128 pixels, and upload it to Discord.
Spell something out

There are a ton of words and phrases out there that are funny without any context. Spell one out in your GIF to make people pay enough attention to read it. Since GIF profile pictures have to be under 3 seconds long, make sure you're not trying to spell out an entire sentence. In the Kapwing Studio, use the Timing tab to create a 2-second project, then add text boxes to the canvas for each letter and arrange them in the Timeline to spell out your message.
5. Modify the default
The default Discord PFP is the Discord logo itself, whatever it really is… robot? game controller? Either way, a good way to make someone do a double-take when seeing your profile picture is to use the default logo image as a base, then add some small modifications.

It doesn’t have to be much – the laser eyes meme, a Waluigi hat, some Guy Fieri hair. Play around with different details and make the Discord logo your own.
6. Modify an Emote
Like combining emojis, modifying classic Discord or Twitch emotes can be a great way to create something hilarious and completely personal in just a couple minutes.

I recommend using the Kapwing Studio to modify your favorite emotes. You can use the Image search tool to find your favorite emotes – just type in the emote name and add “emote.” It will immediately upload to the Kapwing Studio, where you can add your own text, overlays, filters, effects, and images. Here’s what I made with the FreeBear emote, one of my favorites from Twitch:

7. Hand-Draw It
This one is simple, and it’s sure to be funny (as long as you’re not a skilled artist). Take any PFP idea you had, or grab the profile picture you’re currently using. Then, try to draw it by hand in under 20 seconds. Whatever the result, make that your new PFP! Here’s mine:

You’ll probably want to remove the white background from your drawing to make it clearer in Discord, but that shouldn’t take more than a minute in Kapwing.
8. Original Emoji Mashup
Emoji mashups have been around for over a decade, but there are so many combinations and new emojis that it’s easy to create something hilarious that has never been made before.

If you use the Kapwing Studio to create your emoji combination, you can make any edits you need, including erasing, resizing & rotation, image overlays, and visual filters like deep-frying. If your emoji mashup is distinctive enough, people in your servers will immediately associate it with your profile.
Discord is home to communities from every corner of the internet, and it's no exaggeration to say that you can find yourself at home in dozens of different Discord servers. I hope this article helps you create a funny profile picture that lets people recognize you instantly, whatever community you're in. If you're interested in ore tips and tutorials on creating great digital content in 2021, check out the Kapwing YouTube channel or take a look at some related articles on Discord:
• How to Make a Profile Banner for Discord
• How to Make a Discord Rules Banner
• How to Make a Discord Server Background
• How to Send Large Video Files in Discord