From 0 to 85,000 LinkedIn Followers: How this founder grew an audience and his business using Kapwing

Learn how Brandon Arvanaghi and his team built a social media audience and grew their customer base after streamlining their video creation workflow.

From 0 to 85,000 LinkedIn Followers: How this founder grew an audience and his business using Kapwing

In 2022, Brandon Arvanaghi had nearly zero followers on LinkedIn and a newly founded financial technology company called Meow. Today, Brandon’s LinkedIn audience is over 85,000 followers strong and Meow Technologies is approaching $2 billion assets on the platform. His journey to achieving this game-changing growth started with one question: could he grow his company by posting a video on social media everyday?

Brandon didn’t have much previous content creation experience. He also couldn’t hire a whole team to lead video production and marketing efforts, so he decided to create the daily thought leadership videos himself. At first, creating a video a day proved to be a time-consuming challenge. But after finding Kapwing, Brandon and his team were able to streamline their video creation workflow to successfully build an audience of 85,000 LinkedIn followers and grow Meow’s customer base.

Why Meow needed better video creation software

As the CEO and Co-Founder of a lean team of about 15, Brandon needed an efficient way to produce engaging marketing content. Meow serves a wide range of businesses from startups to real estate firms, so casting a broad net with their marketing was critical. He believed creating thought leadership content for social media could help achieve that.

"I wanted to build my LinkedIn audience from zero by curating lessons from legendary founders like Jeff Bezos, Tim Cook, and Satya Nadella. My goal was to post a 30-second clip every day with a message and quotes from these leaders," Brandon explained.

However, Brandon quickly grew frustrated with how long it took to make a single video – the heavy-weight software he was using turned seemingly simple tasks like trimming and captioning a clip into tedious endeavors that didn’t feel sustainable for his schedule.

He wondered if there was a better solution out there, asking himself:

“How do I create these videos in the fastest way possible so I'm not spending too much time on this? My ability to pump out content was top of mind.”

Why Meow chose Kapwing

With hopes of streamlining his video creation process, Brandon thoroughly evaluated various video editing platforms. After extensive testing, Kapwing stood out as the ideal solution.

Brandon appreciated how easy it was to turn existing interview footage into digestible, attention-grabbing clips for social media. He particularly liked the trimming capabilities and auto-captioning feature which helped him prepare a video in just a few clicks. He also found the subtitle styles and presets useful since he could make a good looking video without fretting over details like font size and color – one click and the video looked polished. Kapwing’s collaborative features further expanded his team’s content output since multiple team members could edit and review projects in one place instead of Brandon having to do it all.

The fact that Kapwing is a browser-based software and accessible on any device was a perk for Brandon too.

“My favorite thing about Kapwing is that it's web based and quite powerful," he said in our interview, "Normally, if you have an application in your computer, it tends to be way better than something web based or way faster. I don't really notice that. It’s a very sophisticated software that I can access in my browser.”

How Kapwing helped Meow grow their business

Brandon’s newfound streamlined video creation process allowed him to post on socials consistently and grow his LinkedIn audience from nearly zero to 85,000 followers. This growth had a direct impact on Meow's business.

"When I talk about Meow on LinkedIn now, it gets wider reach because I had people following me for the interesting content I was putting out. This visibility helped us reach more than $1 billion in assets on the platform in a short period. Now, Meow Technologies is approaching $2 billion assets on the platform," he said.

Having a sizable audience on social media also opened more doors for Brandon and Meow as they saw improved response rates to their cold outreach messages and emails. Brandon attributes this to the optics of being an influential person on social media: “when you get cold outreach by someone with an audience, you’re a lot more likely to reply.”

Brandon pointed out three ways using Kapwing helped them achieve these results:

1. Creating short-form videos takes only a few clicks in Kapwing

Kapwing reduced Brandon’s editing process to a few clicks which enabled him to “pump out” content and successfully post a video everyday. It became a simple process that involved importing a long interview video, trimming down to the desired section, then automatically adding subtitles and posting the final clip to Linkedin and Twitter/X. Having these key editing features accessible in just a click or two saved precious minutes in his day that made the endeavor a quick task.

2. Collaborating as a team on Kapwing saved even more time

After making videos by himself for a while, Brandon unlocked further efficiencies when he started working with three of his teammates to create content in a shared Kapwing workspace. He was able to delegate editing tasks to team members, then jump into Kapwing to review the drafts they had created. The Kapwing team workspace centralized their process and also helped them avoid uploading and downloading large video files across various platforms or constantly needing to ask about the status of different projects.

“Managing a team on Kapwing is super easy. I’d discuss with them over Slack, then a team member would prep a video for me in Kapwing. I'd review it, do any final touches, download it, and post it on socials.”

3. Kapwing is easy to use for all experience levels

Brandon and his team additionally liked how easy it was to create videos on Kapwing without having professional content creation experience. “I'm not a graphic designer and artist, so Kapwing made it easier for me.”

After seeing the popularity of his thought leadership interview clips, Brandon quickly learned how to create other video formats in Kapwing. Talking head videos that combine footage of himself, overlays, and subtitles have become another way for him to connect with his audience.

Brandon’s goal with Meow has always been simple: maintain a lean operation so they can pass most of the economic benefits back to their customers. By streamlining their video creation process, Brandon and his team at Meow are staying true to that mission while growing their company and an audience of 85,000 prospective customers on Linkedin. Brandon chalks their success up to the time savings and efficiency of their editing workflow in Kapwing.

“I really wanted to get my playbook for content creation down to a science so it wouldn't take a ton of time to edit, and that's where Kapwing was really helpful. Every marginal minute of time I save is super important.”