The Ultimate Guide to Teacher TikTok for Back to School 24-25

Discover the best Teacher TikTok accounts to follow for the 2024-25 school year, featuring educators who share classroom tips, creative ideas, and teaching humor. Find out how teachers are using TikTok to build community, share resources, and improve their educational practice.

The Ultimate Guide to Teacher TikTok for Back to School 24-25

Teachers are natural performers and content creators, so it's no wonder that many of them have taken to TikTok. Teachers use the platform as a creative outlet and as a way to connect with other teachers, stay on top of educational trends, and commiserate through the highs and lows of the school year. In a time where online communities play a big role in our lives, TikTok has become a virtual staff room—a place where teachers can vent, laugh, and learn from one another.

That being said, educators do have to make videos with care. You have to balance being relatable and maintaining professional boundaries, especially when you're including any info from students.

When done right, Teacher TikTok can be a powerful tool for building community, sharing resources, and shifting the conversation around education. It's not just funny skits or trendy dances; it's about fostering a space where educators can share practical tips, new teaching strategies, and personal reflections on what it means to be a teacher today. Below are some teachers who have mastered this balance and can be an entertaining, helpful presence in your feed for the 2024-25 school year.

The Best #teachersoftiktok:

  1. High School Art: @sheteachesart 

JD is a high school art teacher in her 20s who is ethically & hilariously taking over TikTok. Check out her content for incredible quotes like “To be cringe is to be free!” and some of the greatest examples I’ve seen of Gen Z’s meme-y approach to teaching (without featuring students). Teachers in their 20s, unite.

  1. Third and Fourth Grade: @pbandj4thgrade

Best friend teachers PB and J make dance videos, OOTDs, and silly lipsyncs about their elementary school teaching life. They’ve got big reach, a seemingly infinite number of feminine teaching fits, and many, many goofy dances. Glitter and smiles abound.

  1. Elementary Art: @auttgood

An art teacher with classroom setup videos and GRWMs, Ms. Goodman brings love and crafts to her elementary school. Her content is calm, fun, and respectful of her students. 

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  1. Third Grade: @mcpeek_teaches

Faith McPeek is a third-grade teacher with great tips, routine videos, and funny moments from her classroom. She’s got tons of views for her counting songs and her Friday morning classroom routines, and she’s always careful about what she includes from students. 

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  1. Third and Fourth Grade: @carly.marie.shultz 

Carly Shultz teaches 3rd and 4th grade and posts content of her classroom, her set-up routines, and her important discussions with students. She also shares personal moments and GRWMs, all with a casual, genuine style that connects viewers to her life. 

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  1. Middle School: @g_unit24

Gabe Dannenbring is one of the biggest Teacher TikTokers out there and regularly posts about his experiences as a young male teacher in a middle school. Nearly all his videos are teaching-focused, and he regularly shares the hilarity of student interactions & the middle school experience. He tells stories about student slang, moments in class, and school procedures. 

He has a great strategy of reading anonymized student responses out loud in order to protect kids’ information while still featuring their thoughts. 

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  1. Middle School: @jkerby2913

Mr. Kerby uses funny sound lipsyncs and sports content to create an engaging stream of videos, regularly featuring his teaching or his classroom. He has recently started teaching middle school, but also has lots of great elementary stuff from years prior. 

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  1. Fifth Grade: @thatsso5thgrade

Raven has content about her classroom set-up, routines, and everyday life as a fifth grade teacher. She also has ASMR videos of her daily work before and after school, and recommends some great management procedures + supplies.

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  1. High School Math: @brimduncan21

With mostly streetwear-inspired OOTDs, Mr. Arrington is bringing his style to the classroom and running his own brand on the side. Check out his work to up your outfit game while also crushing your algebra class.

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  1. K-3rd Special Ed/SDC: @msserrato

Ms. Serrato shares a ton of ingenious set-ups and activities in her classroom for SEL and student care. Her content is really focused on the things she does for students (not just on style and cute supplies). She invests so much in making her students feel at home and in developing appropriate curriculum for every kid.

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  1. 3rd grade: @brrookieteaches

Mrs. Campbell is an elementary teacher in Hawaii and shares funny stories, OOTDs, and reasons she loves teaching. Follow her for doses of teaching positivity and joy, plus ideas for the classroom!

  1. Kindergarten - @kinder.and.kindness

Courtney Brink offers lots of great tips for crafts and projects with her young students. She's got ways to make phonetics lessons more engaging, cool dramatic play videos, and (of course) an amazing classroom set-up.

  1. Elementary - @mrgiosuave

Giovanni is repping as a Latino male elementary teacher & helping to shake up what a "traditional" teacher or classroom looks like. He creates content about his life outside of school and his teaching outfits, and his classroom setup shows his care for students. Follow him to be reminded of how valuable representation is in the classroom.

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  1. High School Math - @thattrendyteacher

Mrs. Bo answers follower questions, makes observations about student life, dances, and shares about her math teaching in her videos. Her school and admin follow her account, so you can be sure all her content is above board and respectful of students!

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  1. High School English - @teachercull

Esther Cullen is honest and helpful in her teaching videos, which often include photo scrolls. She doesn't record while teaching, and she shares great book recs alongside real videos about the struggles and joys of high school education.

  1. High School Science - @victoriaacathrynn

Victoria shares day-in-the-life videos, GRWMs, and science curriculum ideas (like interactive notebooks). She also has lots of recommendations for the best supplies for the school year and tips on making it through the hardest parts of teaching.

Other Tips for Finding Teacher Content on TikTok

Hashtags and search terms can help you find the best teacher content out there. You can search by grade, by type of video, or for subject-specific curricular ideas.

Try checking out these hashtags for more teaching videos:

  • #teachersoftiktok or #teachertok
  • #teacherootd, #teacherfitcheck, #teacherstyle, or #teacheroutfits
  • #classroomsetup, #classroomdecor, or #classroom
  • #teachertips, #teacherhacks, or #teacherideas

Not all Teachers on TikTok are Real: Watch Out for Teacher Role Play

There's a surprising number of accounts on TikTok where people pretend to be teachers. Some make ASMR, and others seem to be just for fun, but often they'll use the same hashtags and language. These accounts can have hundreds of thousands of followers!

Keep an eye out as you're exploring for creators who list "rp" in their video titles or descriptions. Most roleplay creators are pretty clear about what they're doing, but some can hide their fake teaching status. If a teacher never shows their classroom or any content related to their school, do some diligence to find out if they're actually an educator. It's not helpful to take tips from someone who's never taught!

Don't See Something You Like? Create It Yourself!

If you have amazing teaching tips to share or a classroom design you're proud of, consider making your own TikTok teacher content. Just make sure you're aware of boundaries and rules for recording.

Video creation is getting easier and easier, and teachers need community and connection to avoid burnout. TikTok can be one way to validate your experiences, support others, and to make use of your teacher presentation skills.


Whether you're creating or just consuming teacher content, TikTok videos can make the back-to-school process more exciting. Videos are more than just entertainment; they can be a source of inspiration, solidarity, and practical advice that can add to your teaching practice. As you scroll through your feed, remember that the heart of Teacher TikTok is about community and sharing the journey of education together. So go ahead – find your favorite creators, learn some new tips, and maybe even join the conversation.