Catch people’s attention when you combine multiple GIFs into one. Merge GIFs one after the other or arrange them to play side-by-side at the same time. With Kapwing, you have full control over your GIFs.
Explore the vast library of copyright-free GIFs ready for you to use. Add any sound effects or background music to your GIFs to elevate your project or make multiple GIFs into one video. Kapwing’s GIF combiner works on any device, so you can combine GIFs on Android, iOS, Mac OS, Windows PC, and more. As long as you have access to a web browser, you’re set up for success.
Upload the GIFs you want to combine together or choose from the media library in the editor.
Place your GIFs in the bottom timeline to arrange, trim, and time your GIFs perfectly. Add effects like transitions or animated text to spice it up.
Export your combined GIFs as a longer GIF or an MP4. Download a file of your project or share directly to anyone online using your own GIF URL link.
Kapwing’s GIF combiner makes it easy for anyone to put multiple GIFs together and edit their combined GIF or new video without any video editing experience. Combine GIFs on any device including Windows PC and Mac OS by simply opening the editor in any web browser.
Upload the GIFs you want to merge and simply drag and drop them into your own personal workspace. From there, you can add music, add text, or even add transitions to elevate your project. If you don’t have enough GIFs to combine, choose from over thousands of GIFs powered by GIPHY from within Kapwing. Once you’re done, export your project as either a GIF or an MP4 file and share with anyone, anywhere.
Kapwing is free to use for teams of any size. We also offer paid plans with additional features, storage, and support.